Original title: Znamení neznámého
Genre: non-fiction
Host, 2021
ISBN: 978-80-275-0821-1
Pages: 256
Conversations on spirituality. Nine stories about what has been forgotten. Nine testimonies about signs of the unknown among us.
We seek what cannot be found. In our happier moments, we find what cannot be sought. To speak in this connection of spirituality, even of mystical experience, would be easy, but the main criterion for inclusion in this volume is evidence of inner transformation.
A musician, a priest, a painter, a translator, a poet, an ecologist, a philosopher, an abbot at a Zen monastery, a nun: all speak here of things they once had to be silent about; about traumas and secrets; about realities concealed and revealed. What is it like to go in search of oneself and then find something far greater? Nine conversations about inner life.
Co-author's profile:
Petr Vizina (born 1967) is a graduate in Theology. He works at the Catholic Theological Faculty of Charles University, Prague. For seven years he headed the Culture Desk at Czech Television News. Petr Vizina is a winner of the Josef Dobrovský Prize.