In our estimation, several novels published in the Czech Republic this year are bound to attract interest from publishing houses abroad.
April will see the appearance of the fourth novel by Alena Mornštajnová, by some distance the best-selling Czech woman author of recent months. Her third novel Hana remains near the top of the national sales rankings two years after it was published. Hana is currently being translated into ten languages, including English and German.
Michal Ajvaz (whose books have been translated into twenty languages, with others in preparation) will publish his first new novel in eight years, while Jan Němec will return after an absence of six years (the novel Dějiny světla / The History of Light has been translated into eleven languages, with others in preparation).
Below is a survey of books by our top authors that are due to appear in 2019; it will be supplemented in stages by detailed information on individual titles. This information is currently available on request only.
Jiří Hájíček: Man on the Point of Ignition / Muž na pokraji vzplanutí, poetry, Host, January
Jiří Kratochvil: Liška v dámu, novel, Druhé město, January
Jiří Kratochvil: Je suis Paris, collection of short texts, Větrné mlýny, February
Michal Viewegh: Povídky o nelásce, short stories, Ikar, March
Alena Mornštanová: Tiché roky, novel, Host, April
Viktorie Hanišová: Rekonstrukce, novel, Host, May
Michal Viewegh: Mým vrstevníkům a jiné fejetony, feuilletons, Ikar, September
Jan Němec: Možnosti milostného románu, novel, Host, September
Petra Dvořáková: Chirurg, novel, Host, September
Michal Ajvaz: Města, novel, Druhé město, October
Petra Soukupová: Klub divných dětí, Host, November
11. 3. 2019